
The fluvio topic subcommands are used to create and delete topics, as well as to view basic information about existing topics.


fluvio topic create

This command is used to create new Fluvio topics.

Create a Topic with the given name

fluvio topic create [OPTIONS] [name]

          The name of the Topic to create

  -p, --partitions <partitions>
          The number of Partitions to give the Topic
          Partitions are a way to divide the total traffic of a single Topic into separate streams which may be processed independently. Data sent to different partitions may be processed by separate SPUs on different computers. By dividing the load of a Topic evenly among partitions, you can increase the total throughput of the Topic.
          [default: 1]

  -r, --replication <integer>
          The number of full replicas of the Topic to keep
          The Replication Factor describes how many copies of the Topic's data should be kept. If the Topic has a replication factor of 2, then all of the data in the Topic must be fully stored on at least 2 separate SPUs.
          This applies to each Partition in the Topic. If we have 3 partitions and a replication factor of 2, then all 3 of the partitions must exist on at least 2 SPUs.
          [default: 1]

  -i, --ignore-rack-assignment
          Ignore racks while computing replica assignment

  -f, --replica-assignment <file.json>
          Replica assignment file

  -d, --dry-run
          Validates configuration, does not provision

      --retention-time <time>
          Retention time (round to seconds) Ex: '1h', '2d 10s', '7 days' (default)

      --segment-size <bytes>
          Segment size (by default measured in bytes) Ex: `2048`, '2 Ki', '10 MiB', `1 GB`

      --compression-type <compression>
          Compression configuration for topic

      --max-partition-size <bytes>
          Max partition size (by default measured in bytes) Ex: `2048`, '2 Ki', '10 MiB', `1 GB`

  -c, --config <PATH>
          Path to topic configuration file
          All configuration parameters can be specified either as command-line arguments or inside the topic configuration file in YAML format.

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Example usage:

$ fluvio topic create greeting
topic "greeting" created


Retention is a policy for how data is cleaned up from a topic.

  • For a time-based policy, use --retention-time
  • For a segment-size based policy, use --segment-size

Check the docs for more info about data retention

Example usage:

In this example, the last segment of 500k will be deleted after 30 days.

$ fluvio topic create my-topic --retention-time '30 days' --segment-size 500000  
topic "my-topic" created


This configuration will set compression at a topic level. When set producers are forced to use a compression algorithm that matches with the topic configuration. The SPU will reject any Produce request that does not match with the topic configuration.

If --compression-type any is used, SPU will accept any compression algorithm.

possible values:

  • any(default)
  • none
  • gzip
  • lz4
  • snappy

Example usage:

$ fluvio topic create my-topic --compression-type gzip
topic "my-topic" created

In this example, the topic my-topic will be created with compression type gzip.


replication assignment

By default, Fluvio will automatically assign replicas to SPUs. However, you can manually assign replicas to SPUs by using the --replica-assignment flag.

Please refer to following replica sections for detail of replica assignment.

Note that in order to replication assignment to work, you need to have at least 2 SPUs in your cluster.

Example usage:

In this example, we assign first replica to SPU 0, second replica to SPU 1.
First we create replica assignment file replica.json.

        "id": 0,
        "replicas": [

The replicas fields correspond to the SPU ids. You can get SPU ids by running fluvio cluster spu list.

Then we create topic with replica assignment file.

$ fluvio topic create my-topic --replica-assignment replica.json
topic "my-topic" created

Use partition commands to show that topic has been created with replica assignment.

 $ fluvio partition list
  TOPIC  PARTITION  LEADER  REPLICAS  RESOLUTION  SIZE  HW  LEO  LRS  FOLLOWER OFFSETS                                              
  my-topic   0          0       [1]       Online      0 B   0   0    0    0     [ReplicaStatus { spu: 1, hw: -1, leo: -1 }] 

fluvio topic list

This command shows you all the existing topics in your cluster, as well as some basic information about them, including how many partitions a topic has and how many times it is replicated.

List all of the Topics in the cluster

fluvio topic list [OPTIONS]

  -O, --output <type>  Output [default: table] [possible values: table, yaml, json]
  -h, --help           Print help

Example usage:

$ fluvio topic list
 greeting  computed      1          1                   resolution::provisioned


fluvio topic describe

This command prints more detailed information about a specific topic.

Print detailed information about a Topic

fluvio topic describe [OPTIONS] <name>

  <name>  The name of the Topic to describe

  -O, --output <type>  Output [default: table] [possible values: table, yaml, json]
  -h, --help           Print help

Example usage:

$ fluvio topic describe greeting
 Name                    :  greeting
 Type                    :  computed
 Partition Count         :  1
 Replication Factor      :  1
 Ignore Rack Assignment  :  false
 Status                  :  provisioned
 Reason                  :


fluvio topic delete

This command deletes an existing Fluvio topic and all data associated with it. This data may not be recovered, so use this with care.

Delete one or more Topics with the given name(s)

fluvio topic delete [OPTIONS] <name>...

  <name>...  One or more name(s) of the topic(s) to be deleted

  -c, --continue-on-error  Continue deleting in case of an error
  -h, --help               Print help

Example usage:

$ fluvio topic delete greeting
topic "greeting" deleted